사기 결혼| The One with Raquel (Mystery guest) – The Red Flags Often Ignored: Episode 33 (2020)

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The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Raquel (Mystery guest) – The Red Flags Often Ignored

The subject of marriage is indeed delicate and must be stepped into cautiously. While it may be difficult to decipher a person's true intentions, there are red flags that must never be ignored.

Today we bring you yet another divorce story from a guest who has chosen to be anonymous, so she will be called Raquel. She fell victim to a con man who pretended to love her but was only after getting a US green card. The marriage that began as a rushed and hushed process also ended in the same manner, a few short months later.

In this episode, Raquel owned her story and took responsibility for her actions. She walked us through the process from marriage to divorce, how she is dealing with the mental and emotional strain and finally coming to terms with the unfolded events. Raquel tells us why she remained married as long as she did, the secrecy and hastiness of the entire situation, the warning signals she ignored, her final wake up call, and how she is finally placing her happiness ahead.

Raquel ends this episode with a powerful note of encouragement that is relevant to everyone. You should listen to it!!!.

You can send in any questions concerning the conversation, and they will be addressed during the up-coming Shame Conference.

Recommended Song: "Go On"– Niyola (2015)

