Posts tagged ladypodsquad
소원과 희망| The One with Mo! – What The New Year Brings: Episode 1 (2020)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: What The New Year Brings

If I could make a list of the many ways I would have wanted to herald in the new year, undergoing a major surgery would never have been on that list. But it was precisely what happened this year. With the excitement of the new year also came the frightened resolve to put my life and body on the line, yet again, for a chance to have a somewhat pain-free life.


And while I cannot go into the specifics yet, in this episode, you will hear just how my surgical experience helped me with a perspective shift that could possibly last all through this year and beyond. Also, I did lots of shout-outs to my friends and family who saw me through this painful but illuminating period.


I hope this episode gives someone else too the courage to keep seeking answers to those health questions that seem unresolved. Here’s wishing you the best of health and may a lot of good things happen to you as well in this new year.


PS: With a single click, you can now rate the podcast. Kindly leave a rating/comments:

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집에 갈 때| The One with T-Dawg (Again) – On Going Back Home to Nigeria: Episode 43 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with T-Dawg (Again) – On Going Back Home to Nigeria

It’s been eight years since T-Dawg visited Nigeria. Before we boarded the plane, I did a sesh with him to gauge his expectations – which sadly were non-existent. But I did try to dig out some potential things to be excited about regarding going back home.

We also answered a personal question from one of our listeners about our braces.


Hint: If you are using your teeth, you are doing it all wrong. Well, you have to listen to find out what this is about.

Happy New Year, and may it be the best year yet!

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자유를 위해| The One with Stephanie Fuccio – Hysterectomy Saved My Life?: Episode 42 (2019)

The More Sibyl Podcast Presents: The One with Stephanie Fuccio– Hysterectomy Saved My Life?

Hello Mosiblings! Merry Christmas!!!

Here’s reintroducing Stephanie Fuccio! Steph, as I call her, is an amazing ball of energy! She’s one of my podmentors who has blazed the trails for people like me. Steph was born in New York City and has intentionally taught English in a few countries in places in Asia like Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, and China. She currently lives in Shanghai. She is also the host of the Geopats Podcast.

Today, I am sharing Steph’s story of her hysterectomy. Though we both agree that this is a procedure that’s too overprescribed in the US, it did save her life and relieve her of excruciating and heavy periods. Listen to hear all about this and more, especially on why we need to create more spaces for women to be able to talk about their period and vaginal health.

By sharing this episode, we both hope to have a world where women are more comfortable talking to each other about these issues. To form allies and microcommunities and hopefully strike up a conversation with the woman next to us in the waiting room or checkout line.

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